Hi Kumar. Those are all great questions. I think the newer version of the IQ microinverters on the panels may have addressed the restart-without-grid-power problem, although I cannot find a reference any more. My system has IQ7+ microinverters, which are older.

A lot things with Enphase never worked as they were supposed to... I can't tell you how many hours I stood in front of those batteries trying to get them to communicate with the controller or on the phone with tech support.

The system seemed to recover fine when grid power came back on. I do not recall ever having a problem with that.

There is a bypass switch inside the microgrid controller that allows you to bypass the batteries. Mine had a sticker on it that said something like "do not open unless directed by Enphase Support". So they did think of that.

Mike Dvorak, PhD
Mike Dvorak, PhD

Written by Mike Dvorak, PhD

Weather data engineer, father of twins, aspiring farmer, rainwater catcher

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